The Nutrient Density of Organ Meats (+ Why You Should Consume Them!)

Organ meats are the dark horse in the quest for optimal performance. Though often overlooked or even shunned, they offer a wealth of health benefits even the trendiest superfoods and supplements can't match.

But somewhere along the way, traditionally consumed organ meats became second-best to muscle meat — despite their superior nutritional value. That ends today.

We’re exploring why these nutrient-dense delicacies deserve a place in your ketogenic diet. You’ll also discover our favorite ways to add more organ meats to your game plan.

What are Organ Meats, Anyway?

Organ meats (offal) refer to an animal’s edible internal organs. While hunters have access to the organs of game meat, the general population snags them from cows, pigs, chickens, ducks, lambs, and goats. The most commonly consumed types of organ meat include:

  • Liver
  • Heart
  • Kidneys
  • Tripe (the lining of an animal’s stomach)
  • Sweetbreads (the thymus gland)
  • Brain
  • Spleen
  • Tongue
  • Stomach
  • Pancreas
  • Gizzards (the muscular part of a bird’s stomach)
  • Giblets (the liver, heart, gizzard, and sometimes kidneys of a bird)

If the thought of consuming these makes you squirm, the nutrient density of organ meats might change your mind.

How Does Organ Meat Nutrient Density Compare To Superfoods?

Organ meats are the most nutrient-dense foods we can eat. They’re a powerhouse of every essential amino acid and omega-3 fatty acids. These meaty multivitamins are also high in essential vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients necessary for optimal health and performance. 

Eating organ meats just makes sense on a keto diet. These rich protein sources help you grab more bioavailable nutrients than you can get from most fruits and veggies — without the carbs (or blood sugar spikes!).

So, to highlight all the incredible benefits of organ meats, let’s compare nutrient concentrations in high-quality organ meats with those found in more popular “superfoods,” starting with:

Vitamin A

Antioxidant-rich vitamin A is pivotal to your vision health and immune function.[*] It’s typically found in foods like sweet potatoes, carrots, cantaloupe, etc., which are too high in carbs for a keto diet.

Luckily, beef liver is the richest source of vitamin A on the planet. This fat-soluble vitamin must be consumed with fat for your body to absorb it (like vitamin D), making organ meat an ideal two-for-one source.[*

Here’s how organ meats stack up:


Serving Size

% of Daily Value 

Beef Liver

3 ounces



0.5 cup cooked


Beef Kidney

4 ounces



0.5 cup cooked


Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)

This vitamin is a key component of coenzymes involved with energy production, cell function, and the breakdown of fats.[*] Most people get B2 from fortified cereals, oats, and milk, which are a no-go on a keto diet.

Here’s why organ meats are a better option:


Serving Size

% of Daily Value 

Beef Kidney

4 ounces


Beef Liver

4 ounces


Beef Heart

4 ounces


Beef Pancreas

4 ounces


Beef Spleen

4 ounces



1 ounce


Salmon (canned)

3 ounces


Niacin (Vitamin B3)

Over 400 enzymes in your body need vitamin B3. It helps convert your dietary carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into energy.[*] Its anti-inflammatory nature may also improve cholesterol levels to lower your risk of heart disease.[*

Here’s how organ meats compare in B3:


Serving Size

% of Daily Value 

Beef Liver

3 ounces


Beef Kidney

4 ounces



3 ounces


Beef Heart

4 ounces


Pumpkin Seeds

1 ounce



0.5 cup cooked


Vitamin B6

B6 is essential for breaking down and converting amino acids from proteins into forms your body can use for energy production and tissue repair.[*] Keto foods with the highest source of B6 include:


Serving Size

% of Daily Value 

Beef Liver

4 ounces


Beef Kidney

4 ounces


Sockeye Salmon

3 ounces


Chicken Breast

3 ounces


Folate or Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)

This vitamin is crucial during pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects.[*] But we all need it to ensure healthy cell division during the continual growth, repair, and renewal of our tissues and organs. B9 can help prevent errors during this process that lead to cancer and other health problems.[*]

Here’s how organ meats fare:


Serving Size

% of Daily Value 

Beef Liver

4 ounces


Beef Kidney

4 ounces



4 spears



0.5 cup raw


Cobalamin (Vitamin B12)

B12 is an essential vitamin required to maintain healthy nerves and produce neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin. These regulate mood, sleep, and cognitive function.[*][*]

B12 only occurs naturally in animal foods, so you must supplement it on a vegetarian or vegan keto diet. Organ meats are an incredible source of B12: 


Serving Size

% of Daily Value 

Beef Liver

3 ounces


Beef Kidney

4 ounces


Beef Pancreas

4 ounces


Beef Heart

4 ounces


Beef Spleen

4 ounces



1 whole


Turkey Breast

3 ounces


Vitamin C

This vitamin acts as an antioxidant to protect our cells from the damage inflicted by free radicals. We also need it to make collagen and keep our immune systems running optimally.[*]

Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of vitamin C. Bad news? These are highly limited on a keto diet. But organ meats are a go!


Serving Size

% of Daily Value 

Beef Spleen

4 ounces



0.5 cup raw


Beef Pancreas

4 ounces


Chicken Giblets

100 grams



0.5 cup cooked



Choline is an essential nutrient our nervous system needs (including our brain and spinal cord). It regulates memory, mood, and muscle control and helps synthesize neurotransmitters.[*][*]

Organ meats are one of the richest sources of choline, which may explain why 90% of Americans aren’t getting enough.[*] This lack may be connected with a higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease.[*]

Check out how organ meats stack up:


Serving Size

% of Daily Value 

Beef Kidney

3 ounces


Chicken Liver

100 grams


Beef Liver

3 ounces



1 hard-boiled


Chicken Breast

3 ounces


Ground Beef

3 ounces


Heme Iron

Iron is essential for making red blood cells, transporting oxygen throughout your body, producing energy, and powering your muscles. Heme iron (found in meat, poultry, and seafood) is more bioavailable than non-heme iron (found in plant foods).[*]

Thanks to menstrual cycles, women need twice as much iron as men.[*] Luckily, organ meats provide a rich source of this mineral:


Serving Size

% of Daily Value (men/women)

Beef Spleen

4 ounces

630% / 280%

Beef Liver

4 ounces

80% / 36%

Beef Kidney

4 ounces

73% / 32%

Beef Heart

4 ounces

68% / 31%

Chicken Giblets

100 grams

68% / 30%


0.5 cup cooked

37% / 17%

Beef Pancreas

4 ounces

33% / 15%


0.5 cup cooked

13% / 5%


Selenium is an essential mineral with incredible antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. It helps reduce oxidative stress from free radicals, regulates healthy thyroid hormone metabolism, and supports male and female fertility.[*]

Here’s how organ meats compare in selenium:


Serving Size

% of Daily Value 

Brazil Nuts

6-8 nuts


Beef Kidney

3 ounces


Beef Spleen

3 ounces


Chicken Giblets

100 grams


Beef Pancreas

3 ounces


Beef Heart

3 ounces


Beef Liver

3 ounces



0.5 cup cooked


Coenzyme Q10 or COQ10

Coenzyme Q10 is a powerful antioxidant that protects your cells and may reduce your risks of cardiovascular disease.[*] Studies show it lowers inflammation and may be useful for combating Western diet-related health issues like metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, neurodegenerative disorders, kidney disease, and infertility.[*]

There’s no recommended daily intake for CoQ10. However, organ meats (especially heart, liver, and kidney), red meat, pork, and poultry are good sources.

Any Downsides To Organ Meats?

Organ meats are generally well tolerated. Unfortunately, you should speak with your healthcare provider about how much you consume if you have gout (a common form of arthritis). Offal contains purines, which can raise uric acid levels that cause or worsen gout.[*]

How To Add More Organ Meats To Your Keto Diet

Adding organ meat to your diet is a simple yet powerful way to elevate your health and performance. Begin with these tips:

  • Start small. Introduce a small portion of organ meats into your diet once or twice weekly. Gradually increase this amount as you feel the perks.
  • Experiment with different recipes. There are so many delicious, creative ways to cook organ meats, from grilling to paté. Liver can be sautéed and served with bacon; kidneys can be roasted with herbs and spices; heart can be ground and used in meatballs, chili, or hearty soups — your options are limitless. 
  • Choose high-quality sources. Always opt for grass-fed beef, pasture-raised chicken, etc.
  • Or Make Your Life Easy with Keto Brick!

    Not a fan of organ meats? Don’t know where to find them? No worries — our Bell’s Brownie Batter Brick is everything you need and want!

    Produced as a collab with Mark Bell and his popular Steak Shake protein, this Keto Brick contains a full spectrum animal-based protein blend, which includes whey protein concentrate, beef protein isolate, egg white protein, and beef collagen. 

    The best part? It includes a beef organ blend containing kidney, liver, heart, pancreas, and spleen! You’ll score all the benefits of organ meats we shared today yet taste nothing but decadent brownie batter.

    Take our clean, shelf-stable, keto performance bar with you on the go or incorporate it into your recipes. We keep the junk out so you can use our Bricks to power your goals and build the body you deserve.

    Embrace the Power of Organ Meats: Nature’s Multivitamin

    Whether you’re an athlete pushing your limits, an outdoor enthusiast conquering new adventures, or a busy bee in the urban jungle, organ meats are your ticket to sustained energy, robust health, and unyielding vitality. They prove that nature provides everything we need to thrive on a keto diet.

    💪  Ditch the mundane and elevate your game with Keto Brick! Our performance bars unlock a treasure trove of keto nutrients to enhance your performance and unleash the warrior within.

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